Error-Free® Contract Preparation

This course is only course on the market dealing with technical services and transaction contract preparation that cover specifications, contract preparation, technical commercial risk analysis and mitigation, contract optimization based on customer expectations, and , and common contract preparation pitfalls.

Error-Free® Corrective Actions Effectiveness

This is the only course that covers how to quantitatively measure and assess the effectiveness of prescribed corrective actions in
organizations, and to eliminate ineffective corrective actions.

Error-Free® Decision Making

This training course is developed from analyzing lessons learned of more than 13,000 decision-related errors. It teaches students a unique decision process that is error-proof and effective. The techniques taught in this course are proven to be 100% reliable and are not found in any other open literature or books.

Error-Free® Engineers

Behind every erroneous procedure, engineering analysis, or work order, there is a review and verification (R&V) error made by the reviewer. Research has shown that typical review effectiveness – the probability of detecting an error – is only 30% to 40%. Moreover, only 30% of engineering projects are considered successful.

Error-Free® Enterprise Waste Reduction

This workshop helps participants reduce two types of business waste: internal resources waste (such as unnecessary work, burdensome processes, etc.) and external resources waste (such as missed opportunities, under-used leverage, unexplored market, etc.) in their organizations.

Error-Free® Equipment Root Cause Analysis

This training course is the only course that takes the students into a deep drive of equipment root cause analysis. After troubleshooting, the possible failed components are handed over to the root cause engineers to find out the problems.

Error-Free® Equipment Troubleshooting

When a piece of critical equipment fails, it is important to troubleshoot and identify which component(s) are responsible for the failure in a timely fashion. After identification, replacement, repair, or other corrective actions of these problematic components should be performed immediately to avoid forced outages, power loss, or manufacture downtime.

Error-Free® Evidence Preservation

This is the only course that covers how to initiate evidence preservation and how to avoid inadequate preservation causing troubleshooting and root causes to fail.