The Error-Free® Institute

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

Vital to a high-performing organization is the skill level of its personnel. Nowhere is this more necessary than in the area of preventing failures or errors.

Performance Improvement International’s enhanced approach — The Error-Free Zone® — utilizes a more systematic as well as predictive approach. The “prevention” element is now the strongest component of the P.M.C. model: Prediction, Mitigation, and Control

The P.M.C. approach features extensive quantitative prediction technology that moves beyond the merely theoretical. We call this quantitative predictive technology “human error engineering.” This approach could effectively reduce injury rates and operating event rates simultaneously by at least a factor of ten, without additional operational burden. 

Courses can be designed to address issues such as:

Error-Free® Course Catalog

We take the time to understand how our technology can best be used to solve specific challenges and address the needs of our client. Then, PII’s experienced trainers and consultants deliver burden-free, on-site training that can be easily accepted and assimilated by all levels of the workforce.

This training course is designed to reduce engineering product failure rates by a factor of 10 or more. This training is a low cost investment to ensure the high quality of engineering products, which include engineering design, analysis, calculations, and projects.
Through predicative safety management, in addition to traditional reactive safety management, the student will know a method to instantly improve safety performance in a cost-effective fashion.
This course provides solid technique for any one to analyzes himself for his error-proneness in various areas. It provides a real time way to help each student to improve himself on an ever day or every task basis.
This is the only course that covers how to Identify and setup an SPV list for each department to pre-check for possible errors that could lead to consequential events.
SOPs, specification and procedure preparation is a common task in business. However, the document preparers are often not provided with the right tools to perform their task such as identifying what may be the high risks throughout the preparation and make consequential errors.
This is the only course that covers how to implement a control process for supplier quality. This course takes you through the selection criteria, performance indicators, testing, documentation to ensure supplier performance.
This course teach students to identify single-point –vulnerability (SPV) and point-of-no-return (PNR) steps in the test sequence and how to mitigate the risk of errors.
This is the only course that covers how to approach review tasks with systematic review skills. It also covers how to set up a review process and management system to reduce the event rate resulting from document preparation errors by a factor of 4 or more.
This is the only course that covers the systematic 10-step troubleshooting process to accomplish a successful equipment event investigation that can fix the problem accurately as well as time efficiently.