Error-Free® Reviewers

Why is This Course Unique?

Every engineering failure (engineering project problems, incorrect root cause analysis, or troubleshooting, etc.) has a companion review failure. PII research has found that improving engineering review effectiveness is the most cost-effective way to improve the quality of the engineering product.

Typical engineering reviewers just find typos and other non-essential errors and are subject to “halo” effects of the persons who develop the engineering product. This training course teaches the reviewers how to avoid the “halo” effect trap and uses a systematic process to identify all critical issues.

Benefits of This Course:

This training course is designed to reduce engineering product failure rates by a factor of 10 or more. This training is a low cost investment to ensure the high quality of engineering products, which include engineering design, analysis, calculations, and projects.

Topics Covered in This Course:

Engineering reviewers are experts of engineering errors, not subject-matter technical experts. They set out to find errors, not to compete with the engineering document preparers on technical expertise. This training course will help engineering reviewers:

  • Know all the human error traps and their characteristics
  • Know the method to predict engineering project failure rates before the review
  • Know the potential problematic areas demanding review attention
  • Use OAR-Pass℠ to focus on three different review passes:
    • Overview for omission– scope, acceptance criteria, missing links
    • Assumptions, analysis, applicability, and accuracy
    • Resolution of issues

Course Info

Length of Course:

2 Days

KALE™ Complimentary Tools:

3-Pass Review

Available Languages:

English, Chinese


13 PDHs

Professional Development Hours are available for all Performance Improvement International (PII) workshops. Our courses follow the requirements and are deemed acceptable for state board continuing education standards for PEs and PMPs. One PDH is granted for each contact hour of instruction, presentation, or study.

Course Inquiry

Fill out the form and we will get in touch right away to talk to you about our Error-Free® certification options.

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