This unique book provides the vision and the overview of the Error-Free® technology. The book starts by exploring the reasons why human beings, despite thousands years of efforts to learn the past lessons, are making repeat errors since the beginning of the civilization. In some accounts, the current error or event rates are increasing, not decreasing. Through years of research and big-data analysis, the book finds the answer and offers a cost-effective way to solve the problem – i.e., the Error-Free Zone® technology. The book touches many critical topics that were not paid attention by previous approaches to reduction of errors or events.
This unique book provides a comprehensive approach how to design Error-Free® procedures that are easy to use and have procedure failure rates at least 100 times better than those procedures designed by the conventional methods. The conventional procedure design methods pay more attention to functionality than reliability of procedures. The Error-Free® approach provides integrated, systematic, and comprehensive methods to correct the problems in conventional procedure design. Based on results of bid data analysis, the book covers extensively about why procedures fail, why errors are made during executing procedures, and how to prevent these problems in design.
The unique book provides a comprehensive approach to review documents, such as procurement contracts, drawings, manufacturing plans, technical analysis, calculations, and procedures, etc. to find those hard-to-find errors. The approach provides a step-by-step method to find omission errors and commission errors in requirements, operating conditions, assumptions, work scope, testing, calculation, logic, uncertainty analysis, applicability, and references. The conventional review methods are neither systematic, nor comprehensive, nor considering reviewer’s attention limits of finding errors. Through the proof of the field tests, the Error-Free® review improves the error-catching probability of 20-30% to about 70%-80%.
This unique book discusses five unique approaches to solve issues of (a) workers’ human performance, (b) management, and (c) leadership.
This unique book discusses a proactive and quantitative approach to achieve an Injury-Free™ status. The approach starts with a quantitatively analysis of the weak links of the safety management system and worker’s weak mental states. Once the weak links and the weak mental states are identified, a parametric analysis is performed to determine the most cost effective means to achieve Injury-Free™. The book also discusses how to cost-effectively build the three cornerstones of the Injury-Free™ status: Error-Free® human performance, proactive inventory control of single point vulnerabilities, and the reliable layer-of-protections. Since among the three cornerstones, human performance affects the injury event rate the most, methods to build Injury-Free™ mental states are extensively discussed.
This unique book discusses the proactive and quantitative approach to cost-effectively achieve the Event-Free™ status. This approach is similar to the approach to achieve an Injury-Free™ status. As such, it is killing two birds with one stone. This book extensively discusses three cornerstones of Event-Free™ status: Error-Free® human performance, single-point vulnerability (SPV), and LOP reliability. Based on big-data analysis, this book points out that 95% of events occur in 10% of worker’s working time when workers encounter SPV and make errors. This 95/10 (more important than 80/20) situations can be cost-effectively eliminated with approaches discussed in the book. This book also outlines an integrated and comprehensive 12-step approach to achieve an Event-Free™ status.
Our technology in addressing equipment failures, people performance and organizational/procedural/management inefficiencies and root causes is unmatched by any company in the world.