Why is this course unique?
Pre-job briefings (PJBs) are a critical layer-of-protection to prevent human errors in a just-in-time manner. Because workers often cannot remember specifics from training courses taught many years ago, PJBs become a necessary reminder to recollect learned skills and knowledge. Moreover, if carried out correctly, PJBs can identify imminent job-site hazards, error traps, and high risk tasks that require special attention and mitigation.
Benefits of this course:
Although PJBs are used extensively in the field, they are often defective. This training course corrects the following commonly encountered deficiencies and can reduce PJB failure rate by a factor of 5-10.
- Workers usually cannot remember specifics in PJBs without cues after about one day due to decay in memory.
- PJBs often address only the known hazards, while ignoring imminent error traps and high risk tasks due to inadequate LOPs.
- During PJBs, there are seldom discussions about point-by-point mitigation plans with assigned personnel to take on mitigation responsibilities.
- Before PJBs, the team leaders often ignore PJB preparation work, which includes OE review, experience-gap analysis, procedure review, and field scouting.
- It is difficult to review too many things in PJB without dividing them into separate categories with separate check lists.
Topics covered in this course:
- Common problems in PJBs
- PJB process
- Team members’ roles and responsibilities
- Preparation for PJBs
- First pass review of Job-site hazards
- Second pass review of error traps
- Third pass review of LOPs
- Planning for mitigation actions