Global Views Leaders Forum
For 19 years, the Global View Leaders Forum has invited more than 70 elite leaders from industry, government and academia, and more than 7,000 business, economic, political, and cultural leaders to gather together. Analyzing the data of 63 companies in the pursuit of Error-Free, the world’s top crisis management expert, Dr. Chong Chiu summarizes the […]
Qisda Risk Management Conference Keynote Speaker
Dr. Chiu was invited to speak on the topic “How to use Error-Free Technology to Breakthrough Turmoil Amongst COVID-19 Era“ for Qisda executive management and leadership teams. Dr. Chiu introduced the top 5 conflicts companies experience during COVID-19 and provided insights on how Error-Free technology can prevent errors from occurring while making decisions, and error […]
TSMC Internal Control Symposium Keynote Speaker
For TSMC’s Annual Internal Control Symposium, Dr. Chiu was invited to speak on “Error-Free Technology and its Application to Internal Control“. During the event, Dr. Chiu introduced the concepts of Error-Free technology, how it can quantitatively predict and identify single point vulnerabilities in systematic risks and systemic risks. Dr. Chiu also provided a snapshot of […]
Error-Free® Operation and Human Performance
Error-Free® operation and human performance can raise an organization from average to excellent in a short period of time. Over the past 30 years, more than 50 human and organizational performance experts have worked with Dr. Chong Chiu, Founder of PII and MIT PhD, to develop technologies for one goal: Error-Free® operation and human performance. […]
PII Error-Free Zone® Training Courses
Vital to a high-performing organization is the skill level of its personnel. Nowhere is this more necessary than in the area of preventing failures or errors. Performance Improvement International’s enhanced approach — The Error-Free Zone® — utilizes a more systematic as well as predictive approach. The “prevention” element is now the strongest component of […]