Why is this course unique?
This course teach students techniques of predictive quality, versus reactive quality currently popular in Six Sigma and other similar quality. Reactive quality improves the performance based on occurrence of events. From the events, performance monitoring and trending, gap analysis and root cause analysis are performed to correct the problems. The predictive quality takes a different approach. It predicts all problematic areas that could cause events. Then, through quantitative analysis, the high payback areas could be fixed right away before events occur. This method circumvent the events to improve performance.
Benefits of this course:
The students, including operation and maintenance management, and quality professionals could use the technique they learn to improve the organization performance instantly, not waiting for events to occur to track down the areas for improvement.
Topics covered in this course:
- Why we Error
- Why Events Occur
- Predictive Modeling of Organizational Performance
- Triggering Event (Errors and Equipment Failures)
- Failure of Layer of Protections
- Prediction of Event Types
- Prediction of Event Rate
- Confirmation with Past Event Rate and Event Types
- Fixing the High Payback Areas with Most Cost Effective Mesaures
- Trending and Improvement