In the Error-Free Zone®, all job observations are performance-based. Job Observation Analysis are used in power plants and manufacturing companies for performance monitoring and trending. The purpose is to observe employee behavior and LOP effectiveness in the field, enabling management to understand field work, and improve worker- management relations.
This module enables managers to record non-compliant behaviors during work observation and conclude the contributing factors for the noncompliant behavior. There are several major reasons for being noncompliant, such as being unintentionally noncompliant due to inattention to detail or being intentionally non-compliant due to feeling overly burdensome job tasks or having undue motivations. The JO module can also be used by engineers to observe any changes, anomalies, and degradation in the field for just-in-time maintenance support.
Safety professionals can choose to use this module to record any injuries happening on-site; such as line-of-fire, overexertion, slip/trip/falls, and equipment related injuries (including electrical contact).The observer adds a picture of the situation and then selects the observation type, contributing factor, and possible causes. As a report is generated, management can drill down to the reasons why there are noncompliance issues, safety issues, equipment anomalies and degradations; as well as, identify error propensities, and monitor performance trends. Multiple observations can be compiled into a single report that can be saved, printed, and shared with other users.