Software Module


Human Performance database

Error-Free® Data Bank is one of the important pillars for KALE™. It is the largest search engine for human performance and equipment performance data. The Error-Free® Data Bank contains four modules, the Human Performance Search, Equipment Performance Search, Electrical Failure Mode Search, and Mechanical Failure Mode Search. These search engines provide the user with all of PII’s previous equipment root cause analyses, as well as 1000s of topics studied and created by PII to truly help create an Error-Free® culture.

The Human Performance database is a one-stop search engine to 1000’s PII’s Human Performance topics. Essentially, all subjects studied and created by PII are available. With this module, it is
possible to further research topics covered in training and other events, and will fill the gaps to help create a truly Error-Free® workplace.

The Equipment Performance data bank has hundreds of PII’s actual past Equipment Root Cause Analyses, event investigations, as well as cases contributed from many other industries. These cases have been summarized for lessons learned purposes so engineers can easily see if similar past events exist throughout their investigation. Besides learning from past cases, users can also research most failure modes for major equipment systems and components. The failure mode database is divided by two disciplines: Mechanical and Electrical. Each failure mode database provides the most complete failure mode table which includes failure mode descriptions and methods to refute. Engineers can combine the failure mode database while using EiRCA™ to investigate possible failures based on components or symptoms. The database generates a quick list for users to refute and narrow down for results.

Equipment Performance Database

Coming soon…

Failure Mode Data Bank

Coming soon…

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