Probability of Rule Non-compliance Error

Safety or operational rules are established as Layers of Protections (LOPs) or Operational Event Barriers (OEBs) to minimize injury or operational event rates. These rules are bypassed in two ways. One way is that the rule of interest neither covers all conditions it intends to cover, nor is it designed adequately to be followed by […]

Event Or Injury Probability Analysis

One of the human error engineering tools is the analysis method to determine the probability of various types of events and injury in an organization. This tool can provide invaluable insight in: High risk events or injury Important factors affecting risk Root causes of past events and injury Cost-effective ways to prevent events and injury […]

Top Seven Human Error Traps For Every Organization

PII’s research has found that workers’ safety performance can be significantly improved when they understand what, when, and where they can be induced to make errors. The inducers that are commonly encountered at workplaces, also called human error traps, have been exhaustively studied by PII over the past twenty years. PII’s research results in two […]