Error-Free® Human Performance

Error-Free® human performance cannot be achieved by using the same level of thinking that created human performance problems in the first place. Over the past 30 years, more than 50 human and organizational performance experts have worked with Dr. Chong Chiu, Founder of PII and MIT PhD, to achieve a goal that could benefit all […]

Error-Free® Operation and Human Performance

Error-Free® operation and human performance can raise an organization from average to excellent in a short period of time.  Over the past 30 years, more than 50 human and organizational performance experts have worked with Dr. Chong Chiu, Founder of PII and MIT PhD, to develop technologies for one goal: Error-Free® operation and human performance. […]

Error-Free® Six Sigma Quality Program

Dr. Chong Chiu and PII Experts Error-Free® Six Sigma uses PII’s Error-Free® technology to supplement the Six Sigma (or the Lean Six Sigma) quality program.  Over the past 20 years, Six Sigma has been successful in improving process efficiency. However, many companies driven by Six Sigma have lost their edge due to inadequate human performance. […]